In the 1970s, an odd trend emerged on college campuses called “streaking,” where people ran naked through public areas to shock and amuse others.
Then in 2011, the messaging app Snapchat repurposed the term “streak” to gamify the act of exchanging messages multiple days in a row. Snapchat refers to this uninterrupted chain as a “Snapstreak.” The app tracks these streaks and encourages users to continue their daily exchanges. And now there is a new kind of streaking: Goal Streaking – a continuous series of one activity in pursuit of a goal. Goal Steaking examples:
Personally, I have two unbroken streaks that continue to shape my life: (1) My Flossing Streak (2) My Writing Streak Recently, I discovered two apps designed to support any of our habit-creating, goal-driving streaks:
Like Snapchat and our Mentors, each app prompts, chronicles, and celebrates our commitment to any activity. From the goalstreaks site: “The best way to achieve your goals is by taking regular, meaningful steps towards them.” With fierce intentionality and relentless commitment, we can shift or create any habit, opening the gateway to our goals. What streak will you start? © 2022. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved. |